
Planets in 7th house

12 Dec 2017, 12:02 pm
Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart

* Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus
* Jupiter in the 7th
* Saturn 1st house
* Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC
* Vertex conjunct the DC
* Juno In aspect to the DC ruler (preferably conjunction/Trine/Sextile)
* Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Sun
* Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Venus
* Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Jupiter
* Juno same sign/house as sun
* Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn
* Sun conjunct/opposite venus
* Sun in 7th/10th
* Venus in 7th/9th
* Moon 1st/2nd/7th/8th
* Composite Cancer personal planets
* Composite AC/Sun in Libra
* Venus Sextile/Trine/conjunct Saturn
* Venus conjunct vertex
* Juno Conjunct vertex

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The 7th House gives us an indication as to what we’re like in relationships, what kind of people we attract and who we’re attracted to, remember that the 7th House cusp is also the descendant.

Planets in the 7th House: Planets in the 7th House will not only indicate the placements of our marital partner, but also the nature of our marriage(s) Remember that we usually attract these partners because the planets in our 7th House will give us the same traits in relationships. 

Sun in the 7th House: Energetic, lively, romantic partners, partners with solar/Leo influence or sun in the 1st/5th House, fun and optimistic relationship.

Moon in the 7th House: Warm, protective, emotional partners, partners with lunar/Cancer influence or moon in 1st/4th House, family oriented, loving relationship.

Mercury in the 7th House: Intellectual, cold, logical partners, partners with Mercurian/Virgo/Gemini influence or Mercury in 1st/3rd/6th House, intellectual, mind stimulating, cold relationship

Venus in the 7th House: Charming, fair, sweet partners, partners with Venusian/Taurus/Libra influence or Venus in 1st/2nd/7th House, fair, romantic, sensual relationship

Mars in the 7th House: Assertive, aggressive, masculine partners, partners with Martian/Aries influence or Mars in 1st House, aggressive, conflicting, sexual, exciting relationship

Jupiter in the 7th House: Optimistic, honest, adventurous partners, partners with Jupiter/Sagittarius influence or Jupiter in 1st/9th House, motivational, influential and adventurous relationship

Saturn in the 7th House: Strict, respectable, classy partners, partners with Saturn/Capricorn influence or Saturn in 1st/10th House, hardworking, cold, strong and stable relationships

Uranus in the 7th House: Rebellious, unconventional, unique partners, partners with Uranian/Aquarius influence or Uranus in 1st/11th House, chaotic, unusual, eccentric and exciting relationships

Neptune in the 7th House: Dreamy, dazed, deceptive partners, partners with Neptune/Pisces influence or Neptune in 1st/12th House, deceptive, dreamy, intuitive and loving relationship

Pluto in the 7th House: Power hungry, sexual, powerful partners, partners with Plutonian/Scorpio influence or Pluto in 1st/8th House, power struggling, sexual, intense and transforming relationship

Signs in the 7th House: While the planets in our 7th House tell us more about or partners, the sign on the cusp tells us more about ourselves. Some people don’t have planets in the 7th House and that is fine, it just means that you look at the sign and it’s planetary ruler. For example, if you have Aries on your 7th House cusp, it will have more or less the same affect as having Mars in the House. Now, in some charts you will have what’s known as ‘intercepted signs’ and that is when there are more than one sign in the house. In these situations, we look at the sign that is on the house cusp, the other sign in that house is more like potential, we take on those traits from time to time (even more so if a planet in the 7th House is in that intercepted sign).

Aries on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affects of Mars in 7th, makes someone ‘the leader’, provides an element of conflict or assertion

Taurus on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affects of Venus in 7th, makes someone down to earth, reliable and provides an element of luxury

Gemini on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affects of Mercury in 7th, makes someone witty and thoughtful, provides an element of communication

Cancer on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of the Moon in 7th, makes someone protective, loving, clingy and provides an element of home

Leo on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of the Sun in 7th, makes someone energetic, creative, romantic and provides an element of purpose

Virgo on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of Mercury in the 7th, makes someone intellectual, logical, cold and provides an element of service

Libra on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of Venus in the 7th, makes someone fair, loving, compassionate and provides an element of romance

Scorpio on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of Pluto in the 7th, makes someone need control, powerful, sexual and provides an element of growth

Sagittarius on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of Jupiter in 7th, makes someone optimistic, blunt, influential and provides an element of adventure

Capricorn on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of Saturn in 7th, makes someone respectable, strong, strict and provides an element of stability

Aquarius on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of Uranus in 7th, makes someone unique, unconventional, smart and provides an element of freedom

Pisces on the 7th House Cusp: Replicates the affect of Neptune in 7th, makes someone ditzy, dreamy, intuitive and provides an element of deception

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