
Your Solar Return Chart

17 Dec 2018, 12:39 am

Every year on your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact position that it was on the moment of your birth. At this time one can run their solar return chart for the year and assess what opportunities, challenges and situations may come up in the next twelve months. Using the information from your solar return chart can enable you to plan better and prepare for any possible event. There are those who believe that by traveling on your birthday it is possible to change your luck - reducing the stresses and gaining opportunities.

There are many ways to approach a solar return chart analysis. I run the chart based on precision correction because of the eliptical orbit of the earth around the sun. Then I look at the angles the planets make tothe top of the chart, paying particular attention to the Vertex which is a power point of any chart. If the angles to the top of the chart are harsh, we can look at different locations to see if we can shift the stressful energy into less important areas of your life. If you want to learn more about a solar return reading, check out my readings here.

And here is a very informative video of what the solar return is all about: 



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