
(6743 P-L )
NOW @ 7 AQU 44

Discovery Chart

24.9.1960 00:00 Palomar 116w51 33n21 observations 1

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In Egyptian religion Ptah was the creator of the universe and a patron of craftsmen, especially sculptors. Ptah was originally the local deity of Memphis, capital of Egypt from the 1st dynasty; the political importance of Memphis led to the expansion of Ptah’s cult throughout Egypt. Ptah was always represented in purely human form, often swathed in a winding sheet. (M 20163) _ _.

Discovered on 24-9-1960 in Palomar by van Houten, C. J., van Houten-Groeneveld, I., Gehrels, T.

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Categories: Apollo, Egipt Mythology,